Karin Armbrust

Customer Service/Tech

Comedy - Acting - Writing

Tech/Customer Relations/Getting it Done

I'm currently looking for work. In recent history, I've been a manual software tester but unless it's a great fit, I would like to move out of strict tech and work more with people. I'd like to work either with customers or in a support role for a team, helping to get things done.

Currently I spend time volunteering at ComedySport, mainly running the bar and sometimes, the box office. This entails checking IDs, serving, handling money, working the POS application, and taking care of problems when they arise. I've done a lot of things in my life. I learn fast and I love the energy of "Get it done".

I would like to work on the west side of the Seattle metro area. And it would be nice to go into an office, at least 3 times a week.

Karin Armbrust LinkedIn Profile

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CsZ ComedySportz

I am currently in the ComedySportz Rec League!

This is where we get to play with you, our loyal fans, on Sunday afternoons at 4pm at the Atlas Theater in Fremont, the Center of the Universe!

This is also where we earn our chops on our way to becoming full cast members! Come Play with us!

CSz Seattle!

Raged and Confused

Come on over for a bunch of nonsense from the mystery that is my mind. Rants, humor, annoyances, and history is all there for the taking.

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